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      Domain Name

      Our comprehensive domain name service includes worldwide surveillance and recovery, as well as portfolio management and dispute resolution.
      • About

      We have a specialist domain recovery team that can handle domain name matters in multiple languages and jurisdictions. Indo

      Our comprehensive domain name service includes worldwide surveillance and recovery, as well as portfolio management and dispute resolution. Four of our principals are WIPO and ADNDRC panelists and have collectively decided well over 500 domain name cases.

      Our unique in-house evidence gathering capabilities help us carry out effective domain registration surveillance.  If necessary, we can also proceed with undercover purchases of domains.

      We draft and file complaints in multiple languages to file with the appropriate dispute resolution body.  In many cases, proving bad faith is necessary for a complaint to be successful, can be very difficult.  Our multilingual staff will analyse websites for evidence of bad faith and conduct investigations with targets to obtain evidence of bad faith. 

      We have also handled litigation involving domain name recovery and appeals by respondents unsatisfied with a decision of a panel.

      Indonesia's draft patent law has been issued for comment. 

      4 minute read

      Kin Wah Chow, Erik Oskarsson

      More mosquito

      08 Jan 2016